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Last Month's Newsletter

July 2005

Dear Visitor,

This update is late because my computer’s software developed a fault that couldn’t be repaired, so it had to be returned to factory settings. I’ve spent several days reconnecting to various things, reinstalling others and generally trying to get organised, or at least as organised as I ever was.

I’ve lost my e-mail address book and all the entries to last month’s competition along with the winners of the previous month’s, so all I can do is apologise to everyone who entered either competition, and suggest that you have multiple goes at this month’s, to try to maximise your chances of being picked out as a winner.

If anyone has e-mailed me or completed a website enquiry form and has not received a reply, please do try again – all my current e-mails were of course lost when I had to restore the computer.

This letter was going to be about London’s successful Olympic bid, but that has of course been overshadowed by the terrorist attacks. My thoughts are with anyone who was involved in these atrocities, and I would like to offer my deepest condolences to those who lost family or friends.

There isn’t much anyone can say about these things except that I hope we can all stand firm and not allow these people to disrupt our way of life, however much they disrupt and destroy the lives of individual people. And I know it’s much easier to say that from the standpoint of not having been personally touched by the horror of it, but I’m certain it’s the only way to beat terrorism. London has long been the target of bombers of one kind or another, and she’s seen them all off; I’m sure she can do that this time.

Till next month, then, when I hope I feel a little jollier than I do right now.


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