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Last Month's Newsletter

June/July 2004

Dear Visitor,

In the immortal words of the wise and wonderful Britney Spears, ‘Oops, I’ve done it again’. And there’s no excuse this time. I’m fine, the computer’s working, my e-mail’s working (well, it is when I’ve got a broadband signal which isn’t too often, but it is usually there in the middle of the night, and that’s when I work), and No. 14 is still at the stage where I can’t plead work overload. I just somehow let the time slip away, and I’m sorry that the June newsletter is staggering out in the last week of June. I’ll let it run through July, and then I promise – promise – to try to update it at the beginning of every month from August to the end of the year.

So what’s been happening? Well, on the 5th of June, Unlucky for Some, which new visitors might like to know is the latest (and thirteenth) Lloyd and Hill novel, was published. I haven’t seen any reviews yet – there might not be any. Once upon a time, mid-list authors, particularly crime authors, could look forward to a few lines in most of the broadsheets, usually in their ‘crime round-up’ section, but these seem to be a thing of the past. I don’t think reviews are particularly important from the point of view of sales – in hardback, established crime writers sell to libraries and the larger bookshops on the strength of their backlist, not reviews, but I always liked to see how my books were received. Obviously, I liked good reviews better than lukewarm ones, but even less than enthusiastic reviews were of interest to me. Now the novels are published into a void, and mid-listers have to wait until the larger regionals review them, which they still do, bless them.

And, as you will readily realise, that momentous event took up none of my time at all, so what exactly I have been doing must remain a mystery, to me as much as to anyone else. But I have got my act together to some extent now, and if you feel so inclined, you can read about Unlucky for Some on the book pages, and even order it from Amazon, if you like. But if shelling out the best part of twenty quid seems to you to be taking loyalty to ridiculous lengths, then have a go at this month’s competition, and win a signed first edition.

Last month’s winners have been notified, and their prizes will be on their way to them as soon as possible. And don’t forget you can always choose to have a copy of the Lloyd and Hill movie if you’d rather. For this month only, I’ll pick two first-prize winners, one who wants the movie, and one who wants Unlucky for Some. But I can only do this once, so make the most of it!

And some sad news about Frankie, I’m afraid. Those of you who have been visiting since the start will know Frankie, my little black cat, and indeed I was talking about him only last month, when he seemed to be perfectly all right, but he wasn’t. He had kidney problems, which became apparent only in the last couple of weeks, and has died, aged sixteen. He was a great little cat, and even though he was very ill, his proud record of never having made a mess in the house remained intact. We got him when he was three months old, and he used a litter tray for about two weeks, until he discovered the garden, and from then on he went out. For a little while the litter tray sat there with its virgin cat litter in it, and he would walk past it on his way out. Clearly, he thought it was there in case one of us needed it, because he certainly didn’t. So we took it away, and he carried on going out, right to the end.

Sorry to end on a sad note, but he had a long life and a happy one, especially whenever he found a very small cardboard box into which he could squash himself. And, I’m happy to say, just such a box had presented itself for him about two weeks before he took ill, so everything was just how he liked it.

See you in August,


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