February/March 2003
Dear Visitor,
It’s about a month since I last wrote, so technically
this newsletter isn’t late, but since it’s
well past the middle of February, I am going to let this
update run through March, and try really, really hard to
get the next update in for the first week in April.
So what news do I have? Well, Ottaker’s bookshops
have chosen Births, Deaths and Marriages as a July book
of the month, so that’s good, and the UK paperback
will be out that month, if anyone wants to buy it. And
since Ottaker’s have done me a good turn, I’ll
do them one – if there’s a branch near you,
please get it from them, and buy lots of other books while
you’re there!
And a Finnish reader tells me that A Shred of Evidence – the
Lloyd and Hill TV adaptation – has been shown on
Finnish TV, which is great. It made me reflect on how insular
we are in this country – can you imagine any TV channel
here showing a one-off Finnish adaptation of a book written
by a Finnish midlist author who wasn’t even published
here? No, neither can I. And I freely confess that if any
of them did, I wouldn’t be setting my video – I’m
as insular as the next Briton. But I’m very glad
that other countries are a little more open to foreign
entertainment than we are.
I don’t know if they used subtitles or if Michelle
Collins was apparently speaking Finnish, but I kind of
hope it was the latter. I expect it was Michelle who did
the trick – I imagine her TV series will sell well
abroad, and her name above the title would catch the buyer’s
eye. So let’s hope other countries follow suit – you
never know, it might turn into a series yet!
The Finnish reader who told me this was one of the winners
of the January competition – I’m really pleased
with the response the new competition is getting. This
one had another big postbag, and this time the winners
were from the USA, Canada, Finland and the UK. I was particularly
pleased about the UK winners – not since the winner
of the very first competition have I even had an entry
from the UK. First editions of Death
in the Family will
be going to the overseas winners, and of Births, Deaths
and Marriages to the UK winners. If you weren’t a
winner – or even if you were – try again this
month. You’ve got a little bit longer this time to
work out what the picture is!
What else? Oh yes – as a result of writing queries
I’ve received, I’ve added two topics – short
stories and creating characters – to the writing
advice pages, so if you’re interested in fiction
writing, you might want to take a look. The advice given
on the site is of necessity very brief and basic, but over
the last few years I have been putting together a book
which covers in depth every aspect of writing fiction – it
isn’t quite finished (and won’t be until Number
Thirteen is safely with the publisher), but I hope to do
something with it this year if possible. If I do, I promise
you’ll be the first to know!
One other thing - if you’ve tried to join
the mailing list without success, have another go, please. Someone
reported to me that it wasn’t working, and it was
fixed that same day, but I don’t know how long it
had been playing up before I knew about it.
I think that’s it. It’ll be coming up to Easter
the next time I write to you – I tell you, this planet
is spinning faster on its axis. That’s why people
live almost twice as long as they did in the middle ages – it
isn’t the diet, or the environment, or the medical
advances. It’s just that there are fewer hours in
the day, and annual celebrations are actually coming round
every six months. Think about it. It explains everything.

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