Locations |
Stansfield is based on Corby, and many of the locations in
the books are real; I thought you might want to see what some
of them look like, and I'd like to thank all the people who
so kindly gave me permission to use their photographs.
For a bbc video clip featuring Jill click
You will need Real Player to view
the film that can be found if you click on the Births Deaths
and Marriages cover. You can download the free player here:
click picture to enlarge
Corby boating lake: © www.northamptonshire.co.uk
The boating lake in A Perfect Match is Corby's boating lake. At
the far side, you can just see the boathouse and café in
which some of the action takes place, and, as you can see, the ducks
who watched the drama unfold are also real! It was not, however,
a gift from local industry; it is owned and run by the Council,
and so far it is innocent of any known murder victims. It crops
up again in Verdict Unsafe, where it is the site of the official
Stansfield bonfire on the fifth of November, and is indeed where
Corby's official fireworks display takes place, with around fifteen
thousand people gathering each year to watch
click picture to enlarge
Rockingham village: ©
The village of Byford in Redemption (US: Murder at the Old Vicarage)
is based on Rockingham village, just a couple of miles from where
I live in Corby, and it is exactly as described in the book, including
the hill down into the village, which is only slightly less hair-raising
than it once was, having had its gradient levelled out a little.
And Rockingham really can be cut off by snow!
click picture to enlarge
Rockingham Castle entrance: © Bob Baker
The castle built at the top of that alarming hill is Rockingham
Castle; this is its imposing entrance.
Rockingham Castle's history and location are as detailed in the
novel; on the approach from Corby, only the road-signs give you
any indication that it's there at all. It was built by William the
Conqueror, and was a royalist stronghold during the Civil War. The
family did build a small extension to live in while repairs were
carried out in the wake of Roundhead occupation, and in the novel,
this is where the archivist lives; in real life it is the tearoom.
It was the location for the BBC's By the Sword Divided, and it is
open to visitors in the summer. It is well worth seeing, as are
its gardens, and the spectacular view from its battlements - these
days (now that Rutland has been given back its independence), taking
in five counties.
click picture to enlarge
Castle courtyard: © Bob Baker
courtyard is the scene for the denouement of the novel.
click picture to
St Leonard's
Church: © Maurice Kellner
This photograph of St Leonard's church was taken from the castle ramparts;
I dedicated the church in the novel to another saint, and I made up
the bit about it being draughty in the pulpit, though it probably
is! The vicarage in the novel is entirely imaginary, as is the vicar,
I hasten to add. |
window: © www.northamptonshire.co.uk
included this photograph of St Leonard's stained-glass because it's
a beautiful photograph, and, of course, a tense scene in the novel
takes place in its light
Throughout the
books I mention the police station, the U-shaped taxi-rank, the Derbyshire
Hotel and the Civic Centre- all these things exist or existed, and
are in the same relationship to one another as their fictional counterparts. |
click picture to enlarge
Corby police station: © Robert Findlay
This is the sixties-built police station - I have actually
only ever been as far as the front desk, so the interior in the novels
is entirely imaginary. |
Taxi rank: ©
Robert Findlay
click picture to enlarge
The police station faces one end of the pedestrianised Corporation
Street, and at the other end is the U-shaped taxi rank which gets
a mention in The Murders of Mrs Austin and Mrs Beale, A Shred of Evidence
and Verdict Unsafe - possibly others. Corby is a very taxi-minded
town, as is Stansfield, and the rank is always busy. |
click to enlarge
Grosvenor House: © Robert Findlay
Right beside the taxi rank stands the rather unlovely multi-storeyed
Grosvenor House, which is the fictional Derbyshire Hotel. The Derbyshire
is featured in at least three books - A Perfect Match, A Shred of
Evidence, and Births, Deaths and Marriages. The real building began
life as the Strathclyde Hotel, but ceased to be a hotel some years
ago. It is now being used as Council offices, as the Civic Centre
which used to be across the road from it has been pulled down. The
same fate has not befallen Stansfield's Civic Centre, which is still
standing in Births, Deaths and Marriages.
click picture to enlarge
Village: © www.northamptonshire.co.uk
like Corby, began life as a small village; this view of Corby High
Street shows the solicitors' office in which I used to work, in
the light-coloured stone buildings on the left. Lloyd lives in the
old village, and it is the part of Stansfield that Judy likes best.
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